Improve At Valorant

10 Tips And Tricks To Improve At Valorant

In this blog, we’ll cover:

Hello, guys. In this article, we will cover up the 10 pro tips to improve at Valorant drastically. Valorant is a tactical 5v5 shooting-based game, and it’s mainly a team-based game; it needs mechanics and teamwork. No matter what, if you don’t work well with your team, your chances of winning games will greatly decrease. Improving in Valorant is the main and hardest concept in the game. But if you can improve at Valorant, your winning chances can increase significantly, and you can overcome your luck in the game. And I don’t want to waste your time because I value your time. So, let’s get started.

Improve At Valorant

Tip 1: Use Sniper Guns

Using sniper guns like Operator in Valorant can be challenging for some players. But if you can learn how to Op properly, you can win more games and secure kills in a second. And because of using Operators, you also have a man advantage on your team, which can result in a round win. But before using this sniper, being a good Oper is the key concept, and it’s not as easy as most people think. It really requires a high level of knowledge about positioning, peeking and re-peeking, and your aim.

An advantage of Operator is that when you fight with Operator with your enemies, a rifle like Vandal gives 40 damage to each body shot, and a leg shot gives 34 damage. The operator does 120 on the leg with 1 shot, and with a body shot, it will do 150 damage. And 150 damage is enough to kill someone with heavy shields and 100 HP. This means that the opponent has an advantage because of the damage.

So that’s why the Op can sometimes be useful. But the most important thing is that if you miss shots with Op, you have a higher chance of dying because you cannot shoot like rifles; it has a threshold to hit another shot. So I recommend you use Jett, Reyna, and Chamber types of agents or agents who can escape fast when the player is in danger.

Improve At Valorant

Tip 2: 3 Stack or 2 Stack With Your Friends

3/2 Stacking is good because you can play with your friends, whom you can rely on. And if you solo queue, it’s really bad because sometimes you get bad teammates, and all of them are random. And because of it, you cannot rely on or trust them. That’s why you should stack 3 or 2 stacks with your friends.

And in Valorant, you also have to communicate with your team; without it, it’s almost impossible to win a game. So when it’s your friend, you can easily talk with them and rely on them. That’s why I suggest you choose 3 Stack or 2 Stack. Also, if you think of 5 Stacking with your friends in low elo, in most cases, you get some smurfs who blatantly smurfs in ranked games, making the game hard.

Improve At Valorant

Tip 3: Team Communications

In Valorant, you must do team communications. As I said earlier, you must do team communications because Valorant is a team-based game. And if you already do team communications but you are still not winning games, that means your communications are not that good.

And at that time, I recommend that you watch pro gameplay. If you watch them, you’ll get a clear view of how they do team communications, and most importantly, you can improve your game sense by watching them.

Improve At Valorant

Tip 4: Look At Man Advantage

Man Advantage is which team has the most current players alive. The team that has more players alive is most likely going to win the round. This is why first blood is important; that’s why I told you to use sniper guns. Sniper guns give you a man advantage and sometimes first blood on your team. Also, when you are doing a 4v1, I will suggest that you stick around with your team, or else, if you hunt for the kill, you will die.

Most beginners make this mistake; they push without their team when it’s only 4v1, so it’s good to stick around your teammates. Also, when your team has more players than the opponent, try to play with your team and try to play trade. Or when you are down in players, try to play aggressively and find the best timing to kill a player.

Improve At Valorant

Tip 5: Learn New Agents That You Didn’t Tried Yet

Learning new agents or improving your playstyle can also give you a bigger chance to win against the opponent team. You should main or master 4 to 5 agents because if your main got taken by other players, you can still play with another agent, which is quite good. And when learning agents are improving at Valorant or doing anything, don’t give up. Giving up will make the process a bit longer than it should.

Improve At Valorant

Tip 6: Use Your Ability Instead Of Waiting For The Perfect Time

You should always use your ability every round because any of your abilities can be effective or helpful to your teammate. So I suggest you use your ability; if you don’t, you will not learn how to use it. Because all of the people who became noobs to professionals first tried them, and then after some time, they improved.

And improvement can’t be done quickly or overnight, so abilities should be used. For example, when you are using agent Jett, try to use your ability to enter the site and clear the site for your teammates.

Improve At Valorant

Tip 7: Stack Sites With Team On Eco Rounds

When you are on eco rounds, you should always stay with your team to win more fights without rifles or good weapons; for example, if someone is fighting with a sheriff and the enemy is fighting with a vandal, the enemy is more likely to win the fight. But if you have 3 people fighting an enemy who has a rifle, those 3 people will more likely go to win the fight. That’s why it’s ok to save and stay with your team. And always try to stack sites with the team.

Improve At Valorant

Tip 8: Don’t Be So Obvious

Don’t be so obvious when entering sites in Valorant. Like when you enter site B. If you enter site B again, the enemy will be prepared for B. So, I will say to use different types of combinations when entering sites to have a lead on the enemy.

Improve At Valorant

Tip 9: Get Rid Of Your Ego

When you are losing games, stop blaming your teammates for it because it makes your mind believe that you are never the problem. But you could probably be the main problem you are losing, so get rid of your ego. I promise you that it will make your journey a lot better if you don’t blame your teammates, and apart from that, it is better if you support your team and believe in them.

Improve At Valorant

Tip 10: Take Breaks

Another thing in Valorant is that you have to take some breaks if you constantly play games and lose them. You’ll probably never rank up to the upper ranks. For example, you play 9 games, and you lose 9 of them. But if you play 3 games, you win 3 of them. Which one is better? The 3 games that you win, right? So you should always take breaks, and apart from these, using many computers is very bad for your health and your eyes. So take breaks, my friends.

Final Thoughts

Putting it all together, the main thing is to focus on the game rather than blaming your teammates. With focus, you can achieve everything you want. Another thing is taking breaks because if you constantly play Valorant, you either lose too much or never rank up, so that’s why you should try to play less and think more about making strategies.

Try to do 2 or 3 stacks with your friends. And communicate with your friends or teammates to secure a round/win. Fixing these problems will probably drastically improve you at Valorant. Ok, that’s it for today; I hope you guys enjoy it. If you have any questions or suggestions, comment below or check out its FAQ.

Frequently Asked Questions

Smurf is when pro players come on their alt or low-level accounts and pop off the game. Smurfs also ruin other players' experiences.

Man Advantage is the team that has the most players alive.

Valorant has different types of characters, each with a unique ability. These characters are called agents in Valorant.

Eco rounds are when your creds are lower than your opponent's team or when it's the round to save creds.

Stacking a site means that you and your team are holding a site to prevent enemies from entering the site.

Operator is a sniper of Valorant. It's known as the most powerful and expensive gun in Valorant.

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