Everything That You Need To Know About Doors Roblox

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The most famous horror experience is Doors, developed and published by LSPLASH. It was first published on August 10, 2022. The main motive of the game is to go through 100 doors in a hotel while avoiding different scary entities. In addition, items are spawning throughout the game, so you can collect them and avoid incoming entities.


In Doors, you have to surpass entities while passing through rooms of a hotel. Eventually, you will get to finish 100 doors, after which you will win the game. Of course, it might seem easier said than done, but entities are trying to stop you. One single mistake can alter the course of the outcome. The game will provide you with items at the start of the game while you are playing the game, and when you get to door 50, you can buy items from Jeff’s shop.


Most of the entities from this list are not that scary, but some are and could even make your heart beat too fast. Some rare entities can spawn, but the main entities are- Rush, Ambush, Halt, Seek, Eyes, Screech, Dupe, and Figure. There will be a blue shining light that will guide you through rooms if you can’t seem to understand something; that is the guiding light. On rare occasions,

you might get to see rare entities like- Jack, Glitch, Hide, Timothy, Window, Shadow, Void, and Dread. While you might be lucky to encounter one mentioned above, you can spawn dread by waiting for the clock in-game to hit midnight and go to door 13 to see it. In room 50, you will meet with some fun entities like Bob( the skeleton), El Goblino, and Jeff inside his shop.


As said, The items can be bought at the start of each game or can be found in the drawers of incoming rooms. Vitamins, Flashlight, Lockpick, Candle, Crucifix, Skeleton Key, Lighter, and Room Key. Although these are the most common and basic items, new items are added to the game, but we will discuss that later. These items have different abilities to help you throughout your gameplay, such as lighting up dark rooms or banishing entities.

The lighter, flashlight, and candle help light up dark rooms, but the flashlight needs a battery, and the candle also lets you know when entities are coming. Crucifix banishes any entities coming your way, and vitamins give you a speed boost, which mostly helps in Seek chase. Skeleton Key helps unlock a specific locked door, which comes after door 60, named “Hospital Room.” Room keys are used to unlock a locked door, but even after finding them for hours, you can’t find them; Lockpick can be used as an alternative to that.

The Rooms

“The Rooms” is a secret and separate floor from the hotel With a new variety of entities trying to chase after you. The rooms can not be entered directly, and they will have to be entered through a secret passageway. When players reach or are near door 60, they will encounter a disarranged room with many bookshelves and one closet. Behind that one closet, there is a secret open passageway to go through. Going through the passageway,

you will be welcomed by a chain gate that can only be unlocked by going through the next door and pulling the lever from the basement. Then, you will have to backtrack to the last door and unlock another door with two lockpicks and a skeleton key. These items can be bought but can be found in drawers, too, However there is a low chance of getting two lockpicks and one skeleton key in drawers, so it’s best to buy them at the start of the game. 


So now you know how to get inside the rooms, and it’s time to get through the rooms and escape. To escape, you only have to get through 1000 doors, which can take more than 2 hours. But to hinder your progress, 3 new entities will spawn. The 3 new entities are-  A-60, A-90, and A-120, each with unique features, but A-60 and A-120 are the same as Rush and Ambush from the hotel.

When A-90 appears, you stop moving and stay still to avoid it from killing you. It deals 90 damage, so if you are already attacked by it, you have to be extra careful not to die. You also get to encounter Curious Light, which is almost the same as the Guiding Light but has a slightly yellow hue of its color, though it can be seen after dying in the rooms.


At the start of the rooms, when you are in the lobby( A-000), you get a shake light, but you must shake it every time to keep it charged. But it is better to use a flashlight instead of having a light source that you have to shake every moment to use it. Then, when you reach the end of the rooms, you get the NVCS-3000, which can be used to look in the dark.

The Backdoors

The Backdoors is a sub-floor that can be accessed by exiting the lobby and taking a right to enter a different elevator to the backrooms. During The Hunts event of Roblox, there was a different entrance to the Backrooms, but since the Hunts event is gone now, the entrance has changed to the outside of the lobby.

To go through the gate that’s in front of the elevator, you need to achieve the detour. The backrooms look almost the same as the hotel; they also contain drawers containing gold or keys and closets where you can hide from new entities. However, a new exciting and challenging timer mechanic has been added to the Backrooms. That is, when you pull the lever in door -50, it will start a timer that takes 1 minute to complete the entire floor.

But we all know that’s not enough time to complete the Backrooms, so to increase this time, you have to interact with other timer levers scattered around the Backrooms. As the time decreases, the background sound becomes more and more tense and frantic. When you finish the whole Backroom,

you will be in the -1 room, where you can buy a Bottle of Starlight for 100 golds to get a speed boost for a limit. In the end, there will be a door named 0000; right after opening it, you will be granted the achievement of “Other Way Around.” Players will get healed immediately and be spawned at the start of the hotel but will not be able to use the pre-run shop.


There are also 3 entities in the Backrooms: Blitz, The Lookman, and Haste. The Blitz is similar to Rush, but it rebounds; it is green, but while rebounding, it will have a pink color, wider eyes, and a smile. The Lookman is the same as the eyes from the hotel and will damage you if you look at it. The haste will instantly kill you if you cannot find a lever that will increase your time in the Backrooms.


In the Backrooms, you can find Vials of Starlight and Bottle of Starlight just like in the Rooms. The first item can be found in drawers, and the second item in door -1.

Final Thoughts On This

Roblox’s Doors is pretty fun to play with friends but scary to play alone. It might seem like a normal horror game to everyone, but some might find it very scary. I recommend not playing with headphones and lowering the volume for a faster heart rate. That’s all you need to know about the Doors! But if you feel the need to ask anything, be welcome to ask any question. Don’t forget to leave a review on our post. Thank you so much for reading!

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Frequently Asked Questions

"Doors" is a horror-themed minigame in Roblox where players navigate through a series of rooms, encountering various spooky challenges and entities. The goal is to survive and reach the end of the game.

In "Doors," players must move through different rooms by interacting with doors, solving puzzles, and avoiding or escaping from terrifying entities. The game requires a combination of strategy, quick reflexes, and problem-solving skills.

"Doors" creates a horror experience through its eerie atmosphere, jump scares, and unpredictable events. The game is designed to keep players on edge as they explore dark and mysterious rooms, never knowing what might be lurking behind the next door.

Yes, "Doors" can be played in multiplayer mode, allowing you to team up with friends. Playing with others can make the game less scary, as you can work together to solve puzzles and face challenges.

To survive in "Doors," pay attention to audio cues, use hiding spots wisely, and work with teammates if playing in multiplayer. Staying calm and thinking quickly is crucial when encountering sudden scares or dangerous entities.

While "Doors" is a popular Roblox game, it may not be suitable for very young players due to its horror elements and intense atmosphere. Parents should consider the game's content and their child's comfort level with scary themes before allowing them to play.

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